Tony Martin - The Majority Press Books
Tony Martin (1942-2013) was a preeminent authority on Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). A native of Trinidad, Martin received his M.A. and Ph.D. from Michigan State University. He was tenured at Wellesley College where he taught for most of his career. He introduced a generation of students and others to Marcus Garvey. Martin’s meticulous work solidified Garvey’s importance to Pan-African history, the Civil Rights Movement, Black Power and African liberation movements around the world. Martin was one of the earliest scholars to view Garvey’s legacy as a lasting testimony in the struggles of Black diasporic people. In 1983, Martin founded The Majority Press. He went on to author and publish other books on Garvey, Pan African culture and several titles by other authors on related themes.
View him here on the Marcus Garvey episode of BBC Radio 4’s Great Lives.
Black Classic Press is pleased to continue the legacy of Tony Martin by publishing selected titles authored by Martin and previously published by The Majority Press.